See what God can do
through your generosity.
You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give online.

Financial giving through the church is done in two ways: tithes and offerings.
The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is 10% of our income.
When we give in addition to our tithe, it’s called an offering.
God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we always want to create opportunities to give as He leads us and with a cheerful heart, through no obligation.
If you’re ready to give, you can do it online, in-person, by mail, or through a text message.
You can text the word VERTICALLIFE to the number 94000 and choose option 4
Give by mail
Attn: Vertical Church
967 Shotgun Rd
Sunrise, FL 33326
Countless people experience God’s blessings when they tithe, but often the first step is the hardest one to take. Tithing is about training our hearts to trust God and His Word. the Bible says we can test this promise. When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest. That’s why we created the 310 Tithe Challenge. Put God first in your finances for 90 days, and if you do not experience His faithfulness, we will refund 100% of your tithe. We are excited to see what God will do in your life.
The Annual Report is an opportunity to keep our eye on the metrics that matter, because behind
every statistic is a story.

and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving