Vertical Young Adults
Ages 18-27

No college student or young professional should have to figure out life, meaning, and purpose on their own. At Vertical, young adults don’t walk alone—and they are a vital part of the church as a whole.

Our Monday Night are designed to help you build real friendships, find answers to your big questions, and grow into who God created you to be.

Join us for
VYA Nights

Each month we come together: all young adults for a worship gathering called VYA Nights. It is a night with dynamic worship, an inspiring message, with hangouts to follow.

VYA Nights happen every first Monday of the month at Vertical Church  at 7pm You are so welcome to join us.
Our guarantee is that you’ll meet friends and Jesus.

VYA Groups
Growth happens in groups.
Young adult groups happen weekly on Mondays at Vertical Church. Our heart is that young adults would find community in their area to equip, empower and mobilize them for Christ! Join us for our VYA Groups.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the age range for VYA?
VYA is a young adult ministry catered to 18 to 27 year olds.
What are Monday nights like?
Monday night is our weekly gathering for Young Adults between the ages of 18-27. Here we connect to community through worship, group study, breakouts, and fellowship. Our commitment is to help Young Adults follow Jesus, build community, and live a purposeful life that will impact those around them
What is the heart of Vertical Young Adults?
Our heart is that you would first know God, be encouraged to find family, and lastly be empowered to make a difference in your community.
What if I’m coming alone?
Awesome! We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable. We do that by hosting you for the night, introducing you to some people, and getting you connected.
What should I wear?
We want to be a place where young adults can come as they are. Coming from work? Business professional is welcome. Feel like staying in your sweats? We won’t judge.
Do I have to go to Vertical Church to attend Young Adults Nights?
No, but we value the importance of getting plugged into a local church and encourage everyone who comes on Monday Nights to be a part of Vertical Church if they do not have a church to call home.

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Serve with Young Adults
Ready to be part of what God is doing at Vertical Young Adults? If you want to invest in the next generation, get involved by Leading or Serving at Young Adult gatherings.