Weekdays: 6:00AM
Saturday: 9:00AM
Sunday: Find a Service Time
21 Days
We are excited about what God is going to do in your life during the next 21 days. We say this often, but at Vertical Church, we believe that “Prayer changes things.”
Prayer brings Heaven’s influence into earthly situations. More than ever, we are in desperate need of the move of God in our world, our nation, our community, and our families. Prayer is a key ingredient in navigating this journey with the hope and assurance of Jesus.
We know the God who holds the future in His hands, and we have complete access to Him through prayer! Many times, we act first and then want God to help our situation; however…
Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort. As we go on this journey over the next 21 days, you will see that every day there is one topic, a corresponding verse, and a prayer for that day. The Word of God is one of the most valuable tools we have to build a dynamic daily prayer life. It brings power, truth, and encouragement to our prayer time, and it has the ability to dissolve fear, worry and anxiety as we place our trust in His promises.
Our intent is to have this guide help you find a new level of purpose, effectiveness, and enjoyment in your prayer life. While prayer does take commitment and can require discipline to develop into a daily habit, we also want to remember that it’s a “get to” not a “got to.” It’s a privilege to be able to come to God in prayer!
When you discover the beauty of daily conversation with God, you’ll experience His life-changing presence.
View Prayer Resources
Watch past messages about strengthening your personal prayer life to pray intentionally and more effectively.
You’ll have the option to keep your request confidential or share with our Prayer Team.
The goal of fasting is to draw nearer to God. Read our resources on fasting to prepare you for the upcoming prayer season.